Optical Film:HEA2000




TIGOLD CORPORATION strategically continues our pursuits of Next Generation optical thin film coating opportunities for new product applications. In line with that, our parent company ULVAC, Inc. secured optical thin film coating technologies patent rights from OCLI(Optical Coating Laboratory Inc.) U.S.A in February of 2004.

In the meantime, Tigold Corporation has added a new production plant at Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan with the goal of meeting the rising product demand from the marketplace. Accelerating these activities, we have set up an efficient system for satisfying market needs in optical thin film coating products.

In addition to our ample capacity to produce existing coated products, we are now in a stronger position to develop new generations of coated products through technological collaborations with ULVAC Group.. Furthermore, we are quite confident in our capacity to provide expertise on manufacturing using the most advanced sputtering technology. It’s our aim to help customers achieve the efficiencies of mass production that will support their product development, advance the manufacturing process and improve their delivery schedule.

Sputtering Equiqment “MetaMode


TIGOLD CORPORATION produces optical thin film coating products by the Sputtering process equipment, the patented MetaMode?. In the coating processes employed with this equipment, materials (substrates) mounted on a high-speed, rotating, drum sequentially keep on passing through metallic sputtering and oxidation zones in a specially adapted chamber. Both coating zones are completely isolated and the materials are deposited as thin films on a multi-layer process.

Process Method by “MetaMode” can yield much higher sputtering rates than any other sputtering methods.

“MetaMode” processing enables coating deposition at near room temperature since it can restrain the heat generated from sputtering targets.

“MetaMode” processing enables uniform deposition on large production volumes in one setup.

It also provides higher optical quality and superior coating adhesion of deposited materials which can be assured even with temperature-sensitive substrates, such as glass, quartz, plastic.


Antireflective Thin Film Coating Products HEA2000®


A display’s view ability will decrease when hit by reflected sunlight or lamp light. We apply an antireflective coating to the display’s substrates, which increases the contrast, improves the image resolution and minimizes reflections.

"HEA" is a registered trademark of Tigold Corporation in Japan, the United States and other countries.